Dave Smithey’s Computer Generated Images

Phonehenge and Sphere (Ray Tracing Image)

"Phonehenge and Sphere" raytracing image.

Image made with the POV-Ray ray tracer. Note the reflection on the sphere (near the bright area on the lower-right) of a red sphere which is itself outside the field of view. Enjoy finding as many other reflections and shadows as you can. Gotta love ray tracing. 🙂

Image Copyright, © 1998 Dave Smithey.

Renderman Room With a Tiger

Computer generated room with a tiger.

Created with C++ code and the BMRT Renderman renderer.

Image Copyright, © 1998 Dave Smithey.

Procedural Nautilus Shell

Procedurally generated nautilus shell.

Created with C++ code and Rhinoceros 3D modeler (Rhino 3D).

Image Copyright, © 1998 Dave Smithey.

3D Drumstick Dave Logo

3D drumstick Dave logo.

3D “Drumstick Dave Logo” modeled and rendered with Rhinoceros 3D (Rhino 3D) modeler. Each of the 20 smaller drumsticks is a copy of the large one that has been translated, rotated and scaled. This was the main logo/banner on my website at one point.

Image Copyright, © 1998 Dave Smithey.